About White Lilies
Hello, My name is Zenia Woods, I am a pastor’s wife, mother to two teen boys, a sister, a daughter, and aunt, teacher, and many other things, but more importantly I am a woman who is seeking to honor the life of a beloved one.
On November 20th 2022, my precious sister Blanca Azucena (which literarily means White Lily) passed due to Colon Cancer. After, her passing I struggled. The upcoming holidays season did not made it any easier. During thanksgiving my niece and I were preparing her funeral and as Christmas was approaching I had difficulties finding the Joy of the season. Thanks God we greave but not without hope. At about that time one of my coworkers contacted my husband and she had one of the most beautiful personalized gifts made for me. It was a mug with pictures of my sister and myself all over it. I instantly became in love with her thoughtfulness and intrigue at the idea of personalized gifts. Eversince, I decided to teach myself how to make arts and crafts that will brighten people’s days and put a smile on their faces. I want to incorporate messages that will bring hope, peace, joy and will ultimately point us to the main source of everything good and lovely in this world Jesus Christ. Therefore, this page, this website, these crafts and art are all dedicate to my beautiful sister, my inspiration, my Hero!!
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